Saturday, August 23, 2008

You always need a good pair of heels

Although I have always loved my friends, living hours away from them has taught me to appreciate them even more.

Don't get me wrong, I've made some great friends since I've been back home, but nothing beats a good convo with one of my "throwbacks."

To me, the sign of a great friendship is when you see or talk to that person after several months or longer and you just pick back up where you left off like there was no absence at all.  I consider myself to be very fortunate to have such people in my sister circle. 

There is something to be said about having a history together, I mean to the outside world somethings may make no sense, but to your close friends, its totally logical and they know exactly where you're coming from. 

For instance if I said any of the following things to you, would you know what I'm saying without any further explanation? 
  •  Take that s**t to the restaurant
  •  The b**ch had options
  •  I'm so sober I could drive to Alabama
  • Knock, knock new _________
  • Check my hoof work
  • I don't do cuddling 
  • What you thought? !
A bit confused, huh? Well its understandable, most people wouldn't get it. But my good girlfriends know exactly what I'm saying and the situation that I'm referring to. 

Good friends are like a broken in pair of classic black high heels. They fit so well into your wardrobe (life) but you tend to take them for granted. You go out and buy a new pair of tangerine stilettos to go with a specific outfit. Those new stilettos are great for the moment, but you still have to walk around in them for a while to break them in; whereas those black heels go with almost everything and are good to go as soon as you put them on...

See real girlfriends help you get on the right foot so to speak when your world seems a bit off kilter. A real girlfriend loves you straight no chaser style, they know the no frills version of you without the polished looking outfit, fresh hair do and perfectly done make-up. They've seen you raw and uncut and still love and respect you. They know your dirt, but still appreciate the beautiful flower that you've become. (Read that last sentence again, it was deep and you didn't even notice. A flower grows from dirt....people grow from their mistakes...or at least they should...) Get it?

So in short, I love a cute pair of new trendy footwear, but I will always keep my classic black heels in the front of my closet....

1 comment:

This is Me... said...

so i'm mad that I actually went back and re-read that flower/dirt (people/mistakes)mistake comment like you said to in that post...what you thought?!!? LOL :-D

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